Dear Isabella,
This has been the most amazing journey getting to know you before I even get to hold you. I am so much in love with you already. I had come to a place in my life where I was content knowing that God may not bless me with being a mom. And then, he blessed me with the gift of you. Each time I get to see you on an ultrasound monitor, it melts my heart. If I love you this much now, just wait until the first time I can hold you in my arms...
Having a 3D/4D ultrasound was amazing. I can't believe we could see you so well. Your chubby cheeks are the most adorable thing. I must admit that I don't like when you put your entire leg over your head. This is the reason my back hurts at the end of the day. I wish you wouldn't do that, but I know space is getting tight and cramped in there.
Hang in there for 7 more weeks, Izzy. We'll get to meet face to face soon enough. I'm excited about that day, but I'm waiting patiently. Just be nice in the meantime, no kicking me near the ribs. And please learn to calm down when it's bed time!
1024th Friday Blog Roundup
20 hours ago