Dear Isabella,
You bring me so much joy every day. No words can quite describe the blessing God has given me by letting me be your Mom. You do so many exciting things these days. I love to listen to you chat away with your toys, the ceiling, and the dog. You put so many smiles on my face. I just love every moment I get to spend with you.
We dedicated you to the Lord in church this past Sunday. And although at your age of almost 6 months, you have no idea what even happened, some day you will. We vowed to raise you in a Christian home, where we teach you about God, encourage you to serve others, and allow you to have a personal relationship with Jesus. It was an exciting moment for your Daddy and me. It reminded me of how much I went through in order to conceive you. Pastor Mark made mention of a lot of things, including how we really had almost given up hope in conceiving a child but God had your time planned out already.
Isabella Joy, you are my joy. I am more beautiful because of you. Before you, I had self esteem issues. I disliked a lot of things about myself. I didn't want to look in the mirror too often. I just felt like an ugly duckling. Something about motherhood changed all of that. You make me beautiful. You make me smile more, dance more, and give me an overabundance of joy in my heart. I love you beyond words, beyond description. The only way I can describe it is that I love you like flowers love the rain and sunshine, like sequins love the Mummers, and like peanut butter loves jelly. We just go together, you and I. You are my joy!
1024th Friday Blog Roundup
20 hours ago