Dear Isabella,
We celebrated your first Christmas a few days ago. What a magical time for our little family! Your dad and I have waited for this day for so long. We had two Christmases that came and went without any hopes of you. Last year, we were expecting you. So this year, we were able to hold you in our arms, spoil you, delight in you. You are such a joy!
This year, you were able to celebrate the day with Mommy, Daddy, Mom-Mom, Poppy, Aunt Amy, Aunt Dana, Uncle Perry, your cousin Dylan, Mr. Jay, and Mr. Bob. It was a special day. Everyone wanted to hold you, play with you, and love on you. Even Dylan wanted to play with you. Next year, if Dylan makes it up to visit, you'll be able to play with him. It was tough this year for him to play with you. But it was so much fun watching him try!
You are the best gift anyone could ask for this Christmas. The smile you put on our faces is priceless. There have been so many exciting things we've done with you this season! You worked the church Nativity with Mommy. I work as a hostess every year greeting the thousands of people who come to walk through our Living Nativity. This year, I strapped you in to the carrier and you helped me! It was awesome. We also took you to see Santa. The most awesome part is that Santa was at the farm and the pictures were free as long as we brought our own camera! Such a priceless picture. You attended your first Christmas Eve service at Mom-Mom and Poppy's church. And then, on Christmas morning, we took you with us to The Evergreens where Mommy and Daddy play the music for the church service every year. It's important to us that you grow up realizing that Christmas is not just a day for your own family, but a day to serve other families, as well.
Oh, Isabella, I'm just so in love with you! Christmas has come and gone this year and it was a very special time. Next year, you'll understand more about the birth of Jesus. When we read you your Christmas Eve book about the first Christmas and we let you listen to Mom-Mom and Poppy reading your other book about the first Christmas, you will be able to understand the true meaning of Christmas. Sure, presents are great. Family time is special. But the true meaning of Christmas is about a baby. A baby born in Bethlehem. A baby born and laid in a manger. A baby who would one day save the world. Next year, we'll be able to explain to you all about Jesus. You'll be able to set up a nativity scene with us and place Jesus in the manger. This Christmas was special, but next Christmas will be special, too!
Thank you for blessing us so much this Christmas. Thank you for the cuddles and the smiles on Christmas morning. I love you and my heart just overflows with the joy you give me each and every day.
1024th Friday Blog Roundup
20 hours ago